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A Brave New World: AI, Society, and the Unknown

Dimitri Biliur
Product Designer
August 25, 2023

The Dawning Age

Artificial intelligence (AI) is more than just a set of algorithms—it's increasingly taking on roles that require a deep understanding of human cognition. But what happens when these systems, built with cognitive design, become an integral part of our society? As we grow more familiar with AI, many of us can't help but feel a mix of wonder and worry. Why does AI stir up such contrasting feelings?

In our exploration, "A Brave New World: AI, Society, and the Unknown," we dive deep to understand this mix of emotions. We will draw parallels from historical anecdotes, delve into popular culture's portrayal of AI, and reflect upon our evolutionary instincts as humans. This multifaceted analysis aims to unravel the nuances behind our collective sentiment toward this groundbreaking technology.

At Momentum, we're not just adapting to existing AI systems—we're elevating them with our unique touch. Building upon established platforms, we employ principles of cognitive design thinking. Our focus isn't solely on what tasks AI can perform, but more crucially, on which cognitive processes it can support or amplify. Furthermore, while we enhance established systems, our team also innovates by creating bespoke AI solutions tailored to specific needs. By fostering a synergy between human potential and artificial intelligence, we are championing a future where AI harmoniously aligns with humanity's finest values and aspirations.

Addressing the Natural Concerns with AI's Advent

Throughout human history, the unknown has often elicited both wonder and wariness. From early civilizations hesitating at the edge of uncharted territories to today's society grappling with rapid technological leaps, the sentiment remains consistent. This mix of curiosity and caution is palpably present in our response to emerging technologies, notably artificial intelligence (AI).

This duality in human nature can be traced to our evolutionary past and the psychological imprints shared across generations. Intellectuals like Carl Jung emphasized the role of the collective unconscious, while figures like Philip Zimbardo have studied how environments influence perceptions. Today, these age-old instincts are awakened as we interact with sprawling digital networks, facing not just the mysteries of what lies ahead but also the innate desire to understand and master it.

Modern pop culture, with its vast reach, sometimes amplifies these concerns. Films like "Matrix" and "Terminator" and series like "Black Mirror" have often painted AI as an uncontrollable and daunting force. While these narratives capture our imaginations, they also inadvertently deepen existing apprehensions. The vivid imagery of AI usurping humanity overshadows the reality: AI is a creation of human ingenuity, designed as a tool, not a tyrant.

In truth, AI systems are extensions of our innovation, built with purpose and precision. They lack desires, intentions, or consciousness. Historically, every groundbreaking tool—from the wheel to the computer—required us to adapt, learn, and evolve. AI is no different. It presents both challenges and promises. Rather than yielding to dystopian fears, we should focus on discerning the line between fiction and fact, setting the stage for a balanced understanding of AI's true potential.

Distinguishing AI's Fiction from Its Empirical Promise

From ancient myths of automated beings to modern sci-fi depictions of rogue machines, the concept of artificial entities that think and act has been intertwined with human culture for millennia. This fusion of reality and fiction has presented artificial intelligence (AI) as both an object of fascination and fear. Though the foundational ideas of AI can be traced back to the mid-20th century, with visionaries imagining machines capable of replicating cognitive functions, its real-world applications today are vast and varied.

AI's evolution has been remarkable, transforming from rudimentary computational models to advanced systems like Bard and Chat GPT. This progress has imbued AI with the capability to significantly influence diverse sectors. From early disease detection in healthcare and optimizing global supply chains to predicting natural disasters, AI's role is increasingly indispensable. These tangible benefits stand in stark contrast to fictional narratives of AI's potential malevolence, underscoring its genuine promise.

Yet, the meteoric rise of AI, especially sophisticated language models, has introduced a paradox. Their very brilliance and intricate functionalities, which should inspire admiration, have inadvertently evoked apprehension. What many perceive as "threatening" is, in many respects, a consequence of the unknown – a dance we've danced before with many technological advancements.

The future of AI is both promising and complex. Remembering its rich history, current applications, and the exciting possibilities ahead is crucial. Even the most advanced models are just tools, and their real power comes from how we use them. Our goal is to not just create, but to clearly explain and understand. Instead of dwelling on concerns, we should focus on the countless benefits AI offers. As we move forward, we should celebrate the incredible opportunities that extend well beyond simple automation.

The Opportunity Beyond Automation 

The rise of AI has triggered numerous discussions about the potential loss of jobs as machines become proficient in tasks traditionally done by humans. However, while these concerns are understandable, they often overshadow a more hopeful aspect of AI's growth: its capacity for augmentation rather than simple substitution.

Instead of seeing AI as a threat to job stability, we can consider it a collaborative ally, boosting our skills and setting the stage for novel forms of innovation and efficiency. Recognizing the wide array of tasks within any profession, it's evident that a significant portion demands human intuition, creativity, and empathy—traits that stand irreplaceable. AI can provide assistance in these areas, not by taking them over but by bolstering our capabilities. For instance, while AI can swiftly handle vast amounts of data, humans remain unmatched in interpreting, connecting, and deriving significance from this information.

This perspective paints a future where roles are redefined, not eradicated. Through the integration of AI into various fields, we can concentrate on aspects that genuinely call for the human touch, while AI tackles more routine or data-intensive tasks. Picture a designer collaborating with an AI tool that brings ideas to life instantly or a researcher working with a system that navigates large databases in moments, spotlighting pertinent data. Such partnerships signal not the end of professions but their transformation.

Moreover, as technology progresses, its capability to support our cognitive tasks also expands. The shift transcends simple task automation; it's about enhancing them, delving into each role's nuances, and understanding how AI can uplift these positions.

Historical professions, passed down through generations, offer insights into the fluid nature of jobs, shaped by societal and technological changes. The apprehensions about AI resonate with previous fears when groundbreaking innovations surfaced. But just as the printing press expanded the sphere for writers, AI holds the promise of magnifying roles, fostering unity between humans and machines.

By prioritizing augmentation over mere automation, we're not just foreseeing a future where humans and AI coexist. We're envisioning a new era where AI acts as a catalyst, unlocking unprecedented levels of creativity, innovation, and efficiency. This union of human intuition with machine precision promises to transcend existing boundaries, fostering a world where human and artificial intelligence fusion ushers in a golden age of progress and prosperity.

Guiding AI with Ethics and Care

The journey through the uncharted landscapes of artificial intelligence (AI) requires ambition and a moral compass. As with any pioneering venture, our safeguards are as vital as the innovations we pursue.

Drawing from Maja Budinski's insights (Ethics in AI: Is AI Really one to Blame?) , we can compare AI's birth to that of a child. Initially, AI systems are unbiased, neutral canvases. However, just as kids learn from their surroundings, AI learns from the data it receives. Its behavior mirrors its training. If fed biased information, AI might adopt those biases. But if trained with diverse knowledge and values, it can evolve into a vital, balanced tool.

The challenge is fundamentally ethical. Superior AI isn't solely about computational prowess—it's about an AI that respects and understands human values, even the nuanced, intricate facets of our moral landscape.

This venture involves all stakeholders—developers, users, or regulators—everyone shares a hefty responsibility. We should handle AI with the care and vision we'd apply to nurturing our future generations. While AI holds great promise, its destiny isn't set. We shape its path, influenced by our principles, and framed by our safeguards. As digital pioneers, our shared mission is to root AI's advancement in ethics, understanding, and fairness.

Our Ethical Standpoint in the Era of AI

The growth trajectory of artificial intelligence, projected by MarketsandMarkets to skyrocket from $65.48 billion in 2022 to $309.6 billion by 2026, heralds a transformative era. In this unfolding landscape where machine capabilities deeply intersect with human cognition, the bedrock principles that guide our advancements gain paramount importance.

Deep cognitive augmentation presents an exciting vision of the future. This partnership between AI and human intellect offers vast potential, but it's accompanied by an ethical mandate. When AI is intricately intertwined with nuanced human roles and insights, ensuring its alignment with our shared human values is vital. It's about fostering a relationship where AI acts harmoniously with human intent and understanding, amplifying our capabilities while reflecting our principles.

At Momentum, we embrace this challenge wholeheartedly. Our engagement with AI is more than leveraging its capabilities—it's about harmonizing its trajectory with human aspirations. Grounded in transparency, staunch ethics, and proactive measures against biases, we envision AI not merely as a tool but as a valued partner, augmenting human potential while being consistently attuned to our guiding principles.

In this evolving landscape, Momentum doesn't merely participate; we pioneer. We're driven by a vision of a future where technology thoughtfully amplifies humanity, guided by the collective ethical wisdom we uphold. This isn't just our ambition—it's the North Star for all our initiatives.


As we witness the transformative impact of artificial intelligence on society, we're reminded of past innovations that reshaped our world. Just as electricity, once met with skepticism, eventually became an essential cornerstone of modern life, AI—with its intricate cognitive capabilities—is poised to redefine our future.

Delving into AI's historical narratives, practical implementations, and ethical dimensions, one truth crystallizes: our interaction with AI mirrors our deepest values, aspirations, and concerns. Stephen Hawking's observation, "The real risk with AI isn't malice but competence," rings true. It's not about AI's inherent nature, but how adeptly and responsibly we harness its vast potential. When guided with intention, AI can be an unprecedented force for innovation and progress. Conversely, without informed oversight, its powerful capabilities could lead to unforeseen outcomes.

The overarching theme in our exploration is one of optimism. For every challenge AI presents, there's an opportunity to elevate human capabilities and ignite transformative advancements.

At Momentum, our vision extends beyond just AI. We see a horizon where technology and humanity coalesce in a dance of mutual growth and prosperity. Our mission is not only to guide AI's future but to champion a broader vision: a future where every technological stride enriches humanity, fostering a world that's more just, equitable, and brimming with potential for all.

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